
Participamos en 2021 en el:

 Youth International Music Competition de Atlanta (USA)

En la categoría de músicas del mundo. Dos temas fueron sometidos:

“Mikaël Hyla Trío – Indifférence”

Un vals francés de 1.942 que se llama “Indifférence”, que arreglamos en pasillo


This was awesome! I love the accordion, and am always myself looking for interesting way to do arrangements (having done a few myself). What you have done is merged two cultures to create an entirely new flavor. I love the bass section.

“Mikaël Hyla Trío – Drume”

En la segunda fase de la selección sometimos una salsa cubana, del pianista Roberto Carlos Valdez, que arreglamos en acordeón, con un toque de swing.


Congratulations on all aspects of  this marvelous performance! The genre and style is excellently understood and communicated by those talented musicians. All elements of the music is in balance: textura, rhythms are complementary, transitions are in perfect sync, and the performers are responsive and in musical communication with each other. Each performer is in his own right and outstanding soloist and performs with a world class maturity and musicality. A remarkable accomplishment! We are most impressed. Congratulacions Mikaël Hyla, as always an honor to listen to this group!